Age is just a number.. isn’t it?

Age, a number, a division or a calculated digits of how old are you in years, or months, or weeks, or days, or minutes, or even seconds. As per me I think age is just a Label which is attached to every human being.

What I am finding out is that, while age may be just be a number, it is also a label. It labels me as part of a group.

I’m a child. I’m a teenager. I’m an adolescent. I’m a young adult. I’m middle aged. I’m a senior citizen.

My age categorizes and classifies me as something. But is that really what I am? Is that all I am?

Okay, so based upon my age, I actually am a “Young Adult.” But what does that tell you about who I am? What I believe? How I’m supposed to behave?

Sometime you express your views in comments and your comment is so deep that the other person guesses that you must be experienced and old guy. And at times your comment is so funny that people think of you as a teenager with bared thoughts. But what you have expressed is a sudden reaction of what you feel for it, which you have put into words.

Its rightly said that some people are old at 18 and some are still young at 90.

Go and try to do what you really like, as age is nothing but just a number.. 🙂

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