
And I think its time for her,
its time to be happy again.

She has got someone,
someone She knows She can text at any hour
and tell absolutely anything.

She knows they are trustworthy
and it is the best feeling She had after long. 🙂 ❤

Tweeting: @thebrokenspecss

99 thoughts on “Juncture

    1. Hey Riddhi. (Double ‘D’) 😉
      Thanks for reading. Absolutely, and there are some girls who really have this feeling. 🙂
      I read your favorite quote.. Somehow, I feel, love is really the best medicine but overdose of it can kill. 😛
      Anyhow, it was a beautiful share.
      Thanks again.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. 🙂 Sorry for making out a short little conversation here. But I would definitely like to add this,
        I really loved the tag line of your blog, “In order to get the full value of joy, we must have someone to divide it with.” I really want this to be tagged and posted on the ramps. 🙂
        I think we’re a lonely society, despite of our ability to connect instantly. Some people should really know it that sharing is a beautiful thing. It brings peace and smile all around. 🙂
        Thank you so much, Riddhi. 🙂

        Liked by 2 people

      2. 😀 Perfekt, triple choco chip cookies are more sweet, do try. 😀
        Okay. That will be interesting. 🙂 I will explore more then. Thank you. 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

      3. That is just what I want – someone trustworthy who I know is not going to fool around. I don’t need to be able to text them at any hour as I wouldn’t want them to text me at any hour but to know they will always be faithful is very important. Short but evocative poem. 🙂

        Liked by 3 people

  1. It’s past my bedtime and I still have to take a shower; I’m exhausted and stiff from cooking and cleaning for two days straight; but I have been scrolling and reading your posts all the way back to early last year. I had to make myself stop.

    Somehow you found and liked my post…my writing from last January. I Like it, too. I read it and it makes me cry. Do your works do that to you? Make you cry? So many of the pieces I have written on Teachable Moments…and even more so on The View from 5022…are really wonderful. I can say that because the words come to me from God; I’m not that good.

    Your thoughts are lovely.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I really appreciate that you took some time from your very busy schedule to view the blog.
      Yes, I guess it was a thanksgiving one, I read few posts of thanksgiving and they really help people speak their heart. 🙂 It was a good one from your side and other are good too.
      I won’t say my work make me cry, but few of the posts, especially few specific ones really make me feel different, they bring back something from past which I used to crave for. That just happens.
      Your words are good and it really comes from your heart, I guess resides there.
      Thank you so much for taking out time. Smile please. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Very few. Very very few get those chances, so better to make most of what you have got.
      Thanks you so much for taking out time and exploring the blog posts. Its good to have you here. 😊


      1. It is heartbreaking to be a part of one of those kinds of friendships or relationships where there is a nagging anxiety at the back of the mind. I do really pray that we all have courage to step back from anything which is not serving any good purpose.

        Liked by 3 people

      2. Hope your prayers come alive. Tho, the heart is very dicey, many a times it makes you hung at one place where you know at the back of your mind that you will reap nothing out of it.
        Agree with you. Thanks again for putting your thought in. 😊

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Beautiful! I had that for more than thirty years. It truly is the best feeling to be so secure in another person. I was so filled up with love and trust for all those years, I am somehow not lonesome now that he is gone.

    You are a talented writer! Thank you for liking my post.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Hi Victoria! Great to hear that their every bit of presence brought some security to you, seriously a good feeling to have. Sad to hear that they’re gone, but some where they still eye on you and align stuffs that brings happiness to you!
      Thank you for reading, it was wonderful to read the overwhelmingpeace.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Hey Eliza! I am impressed by your feed, I just blushed. 😂 Thank you so much, a comment to have.
      But what I have read at your end are to the powers of what I write. You are amazing.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. It’s agonising when that feeling is snatched away. Your heart breaks into tiny pieces.. Not being able to share your life with the one you absolutely adore, is heart wrenching.. 😑😢

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Can I re-phrase this and re-blog?

    And I think its time for him,
    its time to be happy again.

    He has got someone,
    someone he knows, he can text at any hour,
    and tell absolutely anything.

    He knows they are trustworthy
    and it is the best feeling he will have after long.


    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hello! I was half sleep, let me logoff everything and get me some rest.

      Sure, this is sounding as a gender version of it. You can re-phrase or reblog it. I will explore more of your blog posts soon to see the magic. I just get a feeling it will be worth a go! 😊

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Thank you, Nishi. My eyes allowed me to read the ‘about me’, happy to know someone is sharing a lot out from their life.
        I won’t say I will review your blog posts, but yes, I am reading them on tomorrow during my transit. I will focus on more of what you have written. Happy Blogging.

        Liked by 1 person

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