Blind Love

How often we have heard this phrase, “Love is blind”?

In a group of friends, we had a lot of jokes on this expression. Since many of the lads have never been in a relation, so when they see a decent guy with a girl who is beautiful, they say “Love is blind”. 😀

For me,
Love is blind, when we don’t care how a person looks or how annoying they are, all we do is Love them unconditionally. 🙂

Here is a small story I came across,
Few days back in a cold foggy morning, I saw two people sitting next to each other outside the center court of the coffee halt. They look just like some other girl and a boy on this planet. But there was one uncommon thing in those two people sitting together. They were constantly facing towards the bushes, with one hand together. 🙂 They never faced each other.

The air floating around had some good content of water molecules which turned everyone’s breathe to fog. And just like a little kid, I was enjoying my winter smoking that way. 😛 The place was quiet & I was looking in the same direction where those two people were looking at and waiting for my cup of coffee to come, all of a sudden I heard, “I Love You” from the boy. Within seconds I heard, “I too” from the girl. ❤ That brought a smile to me. 🙂

Just then my coffee arrived and I was still smiling. Serving the coffee the server asked me, “What’s special sir?”. I replied, “Good to hear the word Love in this cold morning”. He saw me looking into that direction and replied, “They cannot see each other, they are blind. Sir” and he walked back to court.

I still had a smile but with a thought on what love really is! It is not looks, it is a feeling which you never had before. It is a feeling for one another.

On that very day, I realized the true meaning of “Love is blind”. 🙂

Tweeting: @thebrokenspecss

216 thoughts on “Blind Love

  1. wow was the word when I came to the part, they cannot see, truly the beauty of love, sigh! Not everyone is that lucky to see what love is. what should I say, you have a way to tell tales and stories, this was the best of all the things I read today so far.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Aarohi. 😊
      I too liked it at the same instance. People eventually understand what love is, some seeing others love, some who are fallen into it and some after they are dented.
      I am glad if you found it that good. Thank you so very much, Aarohi. 😊

      Liked by 1 person

  2. So touching and heartwarming…. I think that that’s how it should truly be. People should always look at the inside of someone, not just the out. I think that, in a way, blind people are blessed with a sort of advantage. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hey, Just came across one of your post and it was too good.
      Thank you. Great! That you liked it.
      Haven’t tried this genre of doing guest blogging but it will be interesting. Surely will be keeping a connect for it. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  3. If God had wanted us to make all our decisions on relationships solely on some other basis than using our sight He would not have given any of us a pair of eyes. However, the basis of what you are saying is correct. We must make our most important decisions about people on more important criteria than how they appear. I would be sad not to have my eyes. I’m always searching out beauty because I’m an artist at heart. I always look deeper than just surface, however. I like what you wrote. It’s very thought provoking.
    The Castle Lady ( oh, and thank you for your visit to my castles blog !)

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Wonderful. Good to know that some people are out there searching for beauty. 🙂
      Good to have your view here, Evelyn.
      It was wonderful to come across your blog post!


  4. This story about those two blind people was very touching to read, A, and the way you described them displayed your sensitivity toward others. It seems to me that the eyes of the heart of that couple had been enlightened in a certain sense so that they could see (read love) without their natural eyes involved. You wrote,

    For me, Love is blind, when we don’t care how a person looks or how annoying they are, all we do is Love them unconditionally. 🙂

    Yes, exactly, that is the way it should be, but is it always easy? As for me, I know that I cannot love unconditionally without God’s help – ever, but with Him, the impossible things become possible, finally. Regarding the blindness of love, I was reminded of a longer article by T.A. Sparks of which I think it goes well with your post, Therefore I decided to paste an excerpt on here.

    Love is as far removed from blindness as heaven from earth. “Love is blind”? No – not true love. The fact is that true love sees everything, but transcends everything. The love of Christ for His disciples was not blind love that did not know His men, love that was duped, deceived, misled, but eventually found out that they were not the men He thought they were. No, “he… knew what was in man” (John 2:24). His love saw everything, could tell them beforehand exactly what they would do; but love persisted in face of it all. Love is a great seeing thing. If you are consumed with a burning love for the Lord, you will be very quick of scent as to what is doubtful and questionable. You will not need to be frequently and continuously told when a thing is not right. No, love for the Lord will bring you quickly to see and to sense there is something that needs to be adjusted. You may not know what it is at the time, but you have a sense that all is not well. Love will do it. All the instruction in the world will not bring you to it.

    May Love guide us all – in everything.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I loved what you shared about the blind lovers, A. Oh, what perfect lovers see that goes beyond the frequency of mere light! True love sees deep into the heart of the one who is loved and only beholds the beauty there, the beauty of that person’s love for them. This kind of love is so great that even when we feel something they did and it triggers an offense in us from an old wound from others, we say in our hearts, “No, this is not possible that my lover would mean to hurt me. It must be my reaction to an old hurt that I am being reminded of,” and then with God’s help we deal with that so that it does not get in between us and the one who loves us so much, again. Of coarse this is not possible without the perfecting love of God in our relationship. I know of such a love as this and I am soooo blessed to know another who dwells in it too. Thank you Susanne for sharing this quote from TA Sparks. ❤

      Liked by 2 people

    2. Thank you so very much for sharing the extract of T.A. sparks article. This is so nice.
      I am happy that you liked this post and shared your words in context of it.
      I’ve always believed that if we love our self completely, we love god fully. And if we love our self, people will love us too.

      Thanks again Susanne!! Happy 2016. 😊

      Liked by 2 people

  5. A,

    What you wrote about love not caring what another looks like, this goes to the heart of me. Having Cerebral Palsy, it’s hard for me to tell when someone isn’t taken by the fact I take a little longer than most because I move slower. But through friends and family, I see how God loves. Because while we look at outside appearances, he looks at the heart. And through those in my life, he continuously shows how he is patient and kind and loves me fully, even with it.

    Thank you for writing this. 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Julia 😊
      I am glad that it made your heart feel with positives. I am very happy that you have friends and a beautiful family which loves you for what you are and not how you appear to be. I know its hard for you to be with Cerebral Palsy but somewhere you’re cured with love and care. God has its eye on you which has a glitter for good.
      From the time, I became a teenager one thought that has always been along side me is, that looks are just mere packaging done by god, what all reside inside that packaging is what matters.
      You’re one of your own kind and you’re the best and beautiful heart. *Hugs around* 😊
      Take care!! Smile.

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Agrreable!! I have a post with Similar title “Blind Love”…. At the end watever the story is Love is a sureshot blind thing… Rich or poor, black or white,Good or bad, angel or devil, man or women!! Love is the binding force of all!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. 🙂 Pinky, I just read yours and its beautiful to read. Agree with you. What I have noticed is there is a lot more behind what you see when it comes to love. 🙂

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  7. “Love is not blind. It sees but it doesn’t mind”.. This used to be my favorite quote back when I was a teenager 🙂
    Great post anyway ! Love the story. This made me smile 🙂 Really ! 😉

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Maybe I just didn’t find the one yet. My last relationship, I was so much into her. We were light years away from each other. Kolkata and Gurgaon. You can see the distance. I thought she’s the one, but no. Maybe I won’t get the one. I’ll get nobody. My past relationships have also left me stranded. I love your posts, by the way. I’ve read this one only though, but trust me, I really love it. ❤️

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Sad. It has all changed for you. Departing from someone who meant the world to you is never easy. It all gets better, but actually it only gets okay.
      I wonder if the two places distance was that far, just think about a moment for the buddies who live across oceans. They still look best when paired.
      Maybe, you both will be better for each other when the time comes or both have some other souls to catch up. Eventually, everyone will get the one. 😊
      Thank you so much for putting up your thread. Take care! Thanks. 😊

      Liked by 3 people

      1. Thank you so much. You’re right. Maybe there’s someone else waiting for me. I’ve heard people say, “long distance relationships never work out”. But I never felt that way, I still don’t. Love is something that happens and stays , no matter what. Nothing can affect it. I still won’t lose hope in that. Thank you for motivating me. I can’t bless you or anything. I’m just completing my 12th here, sorry. 😛 But what I can say is, all the very best with your life. May you overcome your hurdles in life. Take care. 🙂

        Liked by 2 people

      2. There are a lot of positives about you. It will all be in place, at the right time. Just believe.
        You should focus on 12th then. 😋 Wish you luck for the exams in the coming month. There is a lot of life after this. 😊
        Thanks, very nice of you to say all those words. Have a good time. 😋

        Liked by 2 people

      1. Thanks. Sometimes pieces of writing can make you feel uneasy or not sure of what to say. I guess I did well in communicating that feeling- because sometimes there’s just much to say. Feel free to share something when you feel comfortable. 🙂 Jess

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Agree. Sometimes few words gives more meaning than what a passage says.
        I read a couple, you definitely were amazing in those. Currently, glued to a BPL football match 😁, will surely be giving another shy at your page. 😊
        Smile. 😊 Thanks for saying it all, Jess!!

        Liked by 1 person

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