
He saw her in someone today,
but, it wasn’t her.

He realized that it has been very long
he departed in her,
but she still persist in him. 😐

Tweeting: @thebrokenspecss


Maybe you weren’t the one for me,
but deep down I wanted you to be. 🙂

Tweeting: @thebrokenspecss


they found someone better in their way,
they were not infidel, but they did move ahead. 😐

Tweeting: @thebrokenspecss

Pen Pals

She used to write Him,
He used to read.
And this way two friends used to communicate.. 🙂

Tweeting: @thebrokenspecss

Merry & Happy

Merry Christmas 🎋 & Happy New Year ❤

Sometime all we need is a new perspective.
After publishing 125 posts, and seeking 1000’s of kind notes from fellow bloggers.. The blog finally decided for a change that has been slightly hard to take. The change which the blog author was willing to make for long and finally took it. The blog has a new URL(web address).
Welcome to.. thebrokenspecs (

Do you know, pair of broken glasses left on US gallery floor was once mistaken for art. 😀

Why its named, “The Broken Specs“?
I was remembering one occasion when I fell asleep in bed with my glasses on. When I woke up I was lying on them and they were all flat. I tried to bend the temples back and broke both of them. Luckily, I could see with an old pair of glasses that were still stronger than the prescription that I needed at the time. But I was very sad because I liked the broken glasses a lot and they couldn’t be repaired. 😐

It is important to hold Love & Trust with a lot of care, don’t let it down, because once broken they cannot be repaired. 😔

Hope you enjoy reading the blog.. 🙂

Connect with us on,

Twitter      : @thebrokenspecss
Instagram: thebrokenspecs
Email         :

Blind Love

How often we have heard this phrase, “Love is blind”?

In a group of friends, we had a lot of jokes on this expression. Since many of the lads have never been in a relation, so when they see a decent guy with a girl who is beautiful, they say “Love is blind”. 😀

For me,
Love is blind, when we don’t care how a person looks or how annoying they are, all we do is Love them unconditionally. 🙂

Here is a small story I came across,
Few days back in a cold foggy morning, I saw two people sitting next to each other outside the center court of the coffee halt. They look just like some other girl and a boy on this planet. But there was one uncommon thing in those two people sitting together. They were constantly facing towards the bushes, with one hand together. 🙂 They never faced each other.

The air floating around had some good content of water molecules which turned everyone’s breathe to fog. And just like a little kid, I was enjoying my winter smoking that way. 😛 The place was quiet & I was looking in the same direction where those two people were looking at and waiting for my cup of coffee to come, all of a sudden I heard, “I Love You” from the boy. Within seconds I heard, “I too” from the girl. ❤ That brought a smile to me. 🙂

Just then my coffee arrived and I was still smiling. Serving the coffee the server asked me, “What’s special sir?”. I replied, “Good to hear the word Love in this cold morning”. He saw me looking into that direction and replied, “They cannot see each other, they are blind. Sir” and he walked back to court.

I still had a smile but with a thought on what love really is! It is not looks, it is a feeling which you never had before. It is a feeling for one another.

On that very day, I realized the true meaning of “Love is blind”. 🙂

Tweeting: @thebrokenspecss


Flowers have done
nothing wrong

yet we rip them
from their

and gift them
to people who
don’t love
us.. 😐