Merry & Happy

Merry Christmas 🎋 & Happy New Year ❤

Sometime all we need is a new perspective.
After publishing 125 posts, and seeking 1000’s of kind notes from fellow bloggers.. The blog finally decided for a change that has been slightly hard to take. The change which the blog author was willing to make for long and finally took it. The blog has a new URL(web address).
Welcome to.. thebrokenspecs (

Do you know, pair of broken glasses left on US gallery floor was once mistaken for art. 😀

Why its named, “The Broken Specs“?
I was remembering one occasion when I fell asleep in bed with my glasses on. When I woke up I was lying on them and they were all flat. I tried to bend the temples back and broke both of them. Luckily, I could see with an old pair of glasses that were still stronger than the prescription that I needed at the time. But I was very sad because I liked the broken glasses a lot and they couldn’t be repaired. 😐

It is important to hold Love & Trust with a lot of care, don’t let it down, because once broken they cannot be repaired. 😔

Hope you enjoy reading the blog.. 🙂

Connect with us on,

Twitter      : @thebrokenspecss
Instagram: thebrokenspecs
Email         :

Happy November

Here comes November.. Month number 11, a span of beautiful 30 days. Month of Scorpion’s and Sagittarius.

Hi, I hope you had a very wonderful October, I know October didn’t last long and I got to know about it when I wrote 09/27/2014 as Monday 27 October 2014! My habit of writing 09 (September Month) was still there even when October was almost about to get over.

So, now its time to stop worrying about what you can loose and start focusing on what you can gain. Remember that whatever makes you happy, that’s what you should do.

November, It is the beginning of new adventure, it’s time to take risks and do the unexpected.

Happy November.. 🙂