Dear Daddy

Hi 🙂

I hope you are doing great at your end and having an awesome holiday season. 🙂  The year 2015 is about to bid adieu, time to thank for everything it gave us. So, before you get ready with your resolutions for year 2016 and plan out the party for New Year’s eve, I would like to share something similar to what I shared starting this year (Post: Slap Her!).

Recently, I came across a video which depicts how the society and its culture encourages violence against women.
In the five minute video, a unborn baby girl tells her father about all of the harassment and abuse she will suffer at the hands of men during her lifetime.

I won’t go into details and would like to share this video asking you to just give your valuable 5 minutes.

Warning: It’s about boys.

“One thing always leads to another. So please stop it before it gets the chance to begin.”

Tweeting: @thebrokenspecss

Valentine’s Week

It all starts with a rose, then with a propose, addition of some sweetness with the chocolates, a soft cuddle from the teddy to some of the big promises. A hug, a kiss and then comes the ‘Valentine’s Day’.

February 14th, many people are just waiting for this day to arrive so that they can express themselves and win heart of the other person they love. 🙂 For many it’s a day which makes their relationships to bond more powerfully.

Valentine’s week is always special, It’s an opportunity which eases you to express your feelings for someone you always want to be with. I think each day is a valentine day when you see your loved ones, but this week is slightly more powerful with a different fragrance in the air. ❤

I hope the person with whom you wish to celebrate this week with a dream of them in your life comes true. I wish that person will make you to be the most ‘you’ that you can possibly be. 🙂

It’s going to be a different valentine’s week for me! But I hope it will be an amazing week which will build a great relationship for you. I also want this week to be more happening for those who celebrate the valentine day as a ‘forever alone day’. 😛

So, It’s time to say everything you feel for that someone special, say it before it’s too late. Spread love, happiness and care about others feelings.

Happy February 14th 🙂