Hark Back

Every single time you were a fool
when you spoiled your moment remembering them. 😐



And then,

Chocolates and Cigarettes
became her new friends. 😐

Tweeting: @thebrokenspecss

“Not everyone who smiles on your face is your friend”

Be careful who you trust, the devil was once an angel.

I cut people off with no hesitation, no explanation and no warning, if you do some phony shit or if I feel like you can’t be trusted. Life is too short and I’m getting too old to be hanging with people who don’t understand the concept of loyalty. I can’t trust everybody, I can’t love everybody. And can’t be friends with everybody.

Can’t be friends with people who always lie, cheat and stab you in the back for no reason. You put on a great show for others but i know the real you. ‘WE ARE FRIENDS’ hearing those bullshit words come out of your mouth though. Puts a smile on my face. keep it coming I love getting a laugh everyday.

These are the people who you can never ever trust. They will claim to be your friend but at the first sign of trouble will stab you in the back just to protect themselves.

It’s true, I may not be perfect but at least I am not fake. Who is perfect? No one. I found out while I was in college that few people I thought were my friend are actually one of the fakest, most back-stabbing people I’ve ever met in my life.

Better to have an enemy who slaps you in the face than a friend who stabs you in the back. What I got to know is that some people will always cheat you for their well being and your friendship with them is just a joke for them as they know when to take advantage. You need to know who are the real one’s in your circle and who are fake. It’s important to get away from them, than to be used by them.

Make sure everybody in your boat is rowing and not drilling holes when you’re not looking.