
I’m still waiting for “it will get better” to happen.. 🙂

Tweeting: @thebrokenspecss


Deprive.. a woman
of water
for too long


she will stop
believing in rivers. 😐 😦

Tweeting: @thebrokenspecss


I read her blog, again and again.
This time with a little more attention.

I read the lines.
I read in-between the lines.

And then I realized,
the tears she talks about,
are not the tears of joy. 😮

Tweeting: @thebrokenspecss

“TRUST- Its only a little word with ‘US’ in the middle”

Trust is something I can have difficulty with. Once someone shows that they are not trust worthy, or betray my trust, It’s extremely hard to ever fully trust them again, and a lot of times I can’t. It’s a hard thing to trust someone, because it’s hard to ever fully know if you can until you do. People can let you down, and you learn that you can’t trust them, but all to often people expect you to.

How true are these words?
                                                 “Trust? Years to earn, seconds to break.” 

Trust can be hard to earn, and can most certainly take years to acquire! Yet, once you have earned someones trust, it is an incredible feeling, and a precious gift. If you know someone trusts you, it really is a wonderful thing.

“Seconds to break”. How sad is it when someone breaks your trust? It can happen in an instant, and then it can take a very long time to even consider trusting that person again. Lost trust leaves a wound, and hurt to the person who was let down. Feeling such betrayal can be devastating. I know that for me, if someone breaks my trust, you can say that they’re on a list, and I will remember what they did before considering trusting again.Gaining trust is such a hard thing, but if someone is willing to work and gain your trust, that is a wonderful thing.

It’s good to think about this, because it is a big thing when someone betrays your trust, especially if they are close to you. Talking about it with them can help. As always, open communication is important in any relationship. So if it’s bothering you, letting them know can help.I hope that even if you don’t have people in your life that you can trust now, that someday soon you will be blessed with people you love and trust all around you!

To be trusted is a greater compliment than being loved.. 🙂